洋 森 攝 影 工 房: SONY A850 入手測試(對照組D700),同場加映SIGMA 50/1.4 HSM - yam天空部落 不如考慮價格更低、畫素更高的SONY A850,又剛好有賣家以5萬的價格出清幾乎全新的A850 當天就衝到台北帶回A850,隔天一大早就出門測試,發現A850擷取中央APS-C尺寸的畫質和A700一樣!!
請問相機鏡頭和監視器鏡頭的mm數如何比較(第1頁) - 攝影觀念及技術 ... 請教達人~ 我想比較6mm的監視器鏡頭和我的相機廣角端mm數相機鏡頭焦點距離7.4(W) -4...
SONY 數位單眼相機A850(HD影音測試) | 攝影家手札http ... 2009年10月2日 - 現下,在A900發佈通告之後一年,Sony A850又再次重寫全片幅市場規章,作為一台不到NT$60,000 元的價格,讓更多人可以在第一次就可以考慮 ...
Comparison Review of Full-Frame Digital SLRs: Canon EOS 5D Mk II vs. Nikon D700 vs. Sony a900 Field Test Report As discussed in my previous Q &A item about the pro's and con's of large sensors, an increasing number of DSLRs employ a full-frame 2
Sony DSLR-A900 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - DCFever.com Danny Wong Sony 身為數碼產品市場皇者,但在這頂級單反相機上未盡全力推出市場不知... 69 lokism3 The ture step camera of Konica Minolta 7D, the A100-A700 are just t... 38 capricorn A900雖然外形同A700好似,整體按鈕的編排佈局都差唔多完全 ...
Sony Alpha DSLR-A900: Digital Photography Review The DSLR-A900 is Sony's full-frame flagship and a true photographer's camera. It offers a great viewfinder, in-body image stabilization and, at the time of its launch, at 24.6 MP the highest nominal resolution of its class. The camera is capable of stunni
Sony DSLR-A850 vs DSLR-A900 - Our Analysis Snapsort compares the Sony DSLR-A850 vs Sony DSLR-A900 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: continuous shooting, viewfinder coverage and light sensitivity ... “This combination of Renaissance Faire and photo stats sets our nerdy heart
Sony Alpha DSLR-A850: Digital Photography Review The A850 is, next to the flagship DSLR A900, Sony's second full-frame digital camera. The two only noticeable differences in specification between the cameras is a slightly smaller viewfinder and a smaller buffer, resulting in slower continuous shooting,
Sony SLT A77 vs DSLR-A850 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Sony SLT A77 vs Sony DSLR-A850 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: startup delay, live view, movie format, autofocus and ...
Sony A850 Review - Sample Images | PhotographyBLOG Expert review of the Sony A850 DSLR camera with sample photos, test shots, videos and more... ... Sample Images This is a selection of sample images from the Sony A850 camera, which were all taken using the 24.6 megapixel Extra Fine JPEG setting.